When you become a small business owner, you'll likely have a finger in many pies. You'll have to find a location for your business, set up your offices, hire employees, and manage the day-to-day running of your business. You must understand and perform HR, marketing, accounting, and administrative functions. Facing the pressures of running a business can leave owners feeling overextended, highlighting the benefits of delegation.
The Importance of Delegation
Although you may be performing a number of functions when the business starts, it doesn't make sense to keep performing them once everything has already been set up. To maintain your work-life balance and enhance your business, recognizing the benefits of delegation is crucial, as overworking and juggling multiple roles can hinder your performance. A person needs some time out if they're going to be at the top of their game. This will benefit you in your own life, but it will also help your fledgling business.
The Cost of Not Delegating
When a business owner doesn't delegate, it affects the functioning of the business in the following ways:
Your customers will be unhappy because they will not get their products/services in time.
Your employees will never get adequately trained because you insist on doing everything yourself.
The business will not be able to expand to its capacity because one person will handle most tasks.
The business profits will be less, affecting every aspect of the business.
There will be no room for innovation because all your energy will go into performing day-to-day tasks.
How and What to Delegate
When you trust others to share the workload, the idea is to use your and your employees' strong points. For example, if you're great at networking and finding new clients, then that should be your job. Accounts should be assigned to employees who have received accounting training or possess strong numerical skills to fully realize the benefits of delegation. Marketing tasks should be delegated to people who have a proven track record with marketing campaigns. Despite departmental overlaps, assigning tasks based on individual talent and inclination can significantly enhance your business's success.